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Saturday, November 24, 2012
Saturday, November 17, 2012
JSSU PGET 2013 PG Dental Admissions & Counselling details
Application available from : Nov 12, 2012
Last Date: 31 Dec, 2012
EXAM DATE: 19 JAN 2013
Exam Center: Mysore, Bangalore, Noida, Chennai
Prospectus Cost: Rs 3000/-
Tags: JSSU university pg mds dental admission, exam paper, counselling, roll number, prospectus, download, jssu mds exam paper, mysore
Thursday, November 15, 2012
NEET-MDS Prospectus/Login/Online Registration
Last Date: Dec 10, 2012
Download admit card: Dec 28, 2012
Exam Date: Jan 13, 2013
Result: Feb 10, 2013
Allotment of 50% AIQ seats by On-line allotment / Counseling : From 20.02.2013 to 14.4.2013 Schedule of counselling will be hosted on the Website of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. ƒ
Allotment of seats of state Quota (by states) : Upto 02.05.2013
Last date of admission : 31.05.2013
Application Fee : General/OBC Category: Rs.1000/- (SC/ST Category Rs. 800/-) + Transaction charges as applicable. Payment through computer generated Challan Form in any branch of State Bank of India (SBI) or can pay online through Credit Card / Debit Card.
No condonation of Internship of 12 months period shall be accepted except (i) the students of the batch admitted during the academic session 2007-2008 and have completed 4½ year BDS Course alongwith 06 months compulsory rotating internship and (ii) the students admitted during the academic session 2006-2007 at Rajah Muthiah Dental College, Annamalai University those have completed 05 years BDS
Course without internship.
The syllabus for the National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test for admission to the MDS courses shall be that of BDS standard and shall cover all the subjects/syllabus taught during the BDS course as prescribed in the DCI Revised BDS Course Regulations, 2007 as amended from time to time.
tags: download neet 2013 prospectus, online registration, login, aiims, nbe, exam paper, schedule, paper, download, center, centre, bds, mds, all india, cet, national board, result, roll number, neet mds exam paper, download neet mds recalled question, download neet mds roll number, neet mds prospectus
Download admit card: Dec 28, 2012
Exam Date: Jan 13, 2013
Result: Feb 10, 2013
Allotment of 50% AIQ seats by On-line allotment / Counseling : From 20.02.2013 to 14.4.2013 Schedule of counselling will be hosted on the Website of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. ƒ
Schedule for counseling by States / Private institutions : Schedule for state seats shall be made available by the concerned state authorities / private institutions.
Allotment of seats of state Quota (by states) : Upto 02.05.2013
Last date of admission : 31.05.2013
Application Fee : General/OBC Category: Rs.1000/- (SC/ST Category Rs. 800/-) + Transaction charges as applicable. Payment through computer generated Challan Form in any branch of State Bank of India (SBI) or can pay online through Credit Card / Debit Card.
No condonation of Internship of 12 months period shall be accepted except (i) the students of the batch admitted during the academic session 2007-2008 and have completed 4½ year BDS Course alongwith 06 months compulsory rotating internship and (ii) the students admitted during the academic session 2006-2007 at Rajah Muthiah Dental College, Annamalai University those have completed 05 years BDS
Course without internship.
The syllabus for the National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test for admission to the MDS courses shall be that of BDS standard and shall cover all the subjects/syllabus taught during the BDS course as prescribed in the DCI Revised BDS Course Regulations, 2007 as amended from time to time.
There will be only one paper of 3 hours duration (10.00 A.M. to 01.00 P.M.) containing 200 MCQs consisting of Basic Sciences, Para-Clinical and Clinical subjects.
(b) The questions will be single answer objective type. Each answer with correct answer shall be awarded four marks. One mark will be deducted for each wrong answer. Zero mark will be given for the questions not answered. More than one answer indicated against a question will be deemed as incorrect answer and will be negatively marked.
(b) The questions will be single answer objective type. Each answer with correct answer shall be awarded four marks. One mark will be deducted for each wrong answer. Zero mark will be given for the questions not answered. More than one answer indicated against a question will be deemed as incorrect answer and will be negatively marked.
tags: download neet 2013 prospectus, online registration, login, aiims, nbe, exam paper, schedule, paper, download, center, centre, bds, mds, all india, cet, national board, result, roll number, neet mds exam paper, download neet mds recalled question, download neet mds roll number, neet mds prospectus
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Manipal MDS Entrance Exam 2013
15 FEB 2013 - 24 FEB 2013
Test Centres:
The salient features of the computer based Online entrance test are:
The candidate sits in front of the computer and the questions are presented on the monitor and the candidate submits his/her answers through the use of mouse. The computer is connected to the server, which delivers the test, in real time through a reliable connectivity.
Online Entrance test assumes that the candidate has basic familiarity with use of computers like use of keyboard and mouse operation. It is the responsibility of the candidate to acquire these skills before appearing in the test and the University cannot take responsibility for the same.
The final score will be displayed on the test screen immediately after the completion of the test.
Click here for the demo on Online Entrance Test.
There will be one question paper of 200 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) of the objective type which carries 200 marks.
The approximate distribution of questions is given below. Pedodontics (16), Orthodontics (16), Periodontics (16), Oral Medicine & Radiology (16), Prosthodontics (16), Conservative Dentistry (16), Oral Surgery (16), Public Health (16), Human Anatomy (8), Human Physiology including Biochemistry (8), Dental Materials (8), Pharmacology (8), General Pathology & Microbiology (8), Oral Anatomy (8), General Medicine (8), General Surgery (8), Oral Pathology (8).
KLEU - PGAIET - 2013
The University shall be conducting KLE University Post-Graduate All India Entrance -Test - 2013 ( KLEU - PGAIET - 2013 ) on Saturday, the 2nd February 2013 from 2.00 to 5.00 PM at
eighteen centres across the country viz, Belgaum, Bangalore, Pune, Ahmedabad, New-Delhi, Hyderabad, Vijaywada, Kolkata, Panjim, Indore, Jaipur, Chandigarh, Coimbatore, Cochin, Guwahati, Mumbai, Nagpur and Chennai for admission to various Post-Graduate Degree / Diploma Courses (Medical / Dental )in the constituent colleges of the University viz, J.N.Medical College, Belgaum and KLE V.K.Institute of Dental Sciences, Belgaum, for the academic session 2013-14.
The schedule of conduct of PGAIET-2013 is enclosed. The eligible candidates, willing to appear for the aforsaid test, may download the application forms from the University website
Printout of the application form along with DD for Rs. 3,000/- payable at Belgaumdrawn on any Nationalized Bank in favour of Registrar KLE University, Belgaum.has to be sent by post or submitted in person to The Registrar's office, KLE University, Nehru Nagar, Belgaum - 590010, So as to reach on or before 25th January, 2013 by 5.00 pm.
Note :-
Those of the students who have taken additional 4 (Four) or more than 4 (Four) extra attempts (i.e. who have failed for four times) during the entire MBBS/ BDS course are not eligible to apply for admission to PG Degree/ PG Diploma courses. Production of attempt certificate from the Head of the Institution is mandatory.
Students claiming seats under BRD category should satisfy the following criteria
The student's parents should be permanent residents of one of the seven districts viz. Belgaum, Dharwad, Karwar, Bijapur, Bagalkot, Haveri and Gadag. (Recent Parents Domicile Certificate to be enclosed).
The students should have done at least ten years of schooling (Primary and Secondary) including PUC I & PUC II in any of the above mentioned seven districts. Period of study of MBBS/ BDS shall not be considered for calculating 10 years of schooling.(Students Study Certificate to be enclosed).
Printout of the application form along with DD for Rs. 3,000/- payable at Belgaumdrawn on any Nationalized Bank in favour of Registrar KLE University, Belgaum.has to be sent by post or submitted in person to The Registrar's office, KLE University, Nehru Nagar, Belgaum - 590010, So as to reach on or before 25th January, 2013 by 5.00 pm.
Note :-
Those of the students who have taken additional 4 (Four) or more than 4 (Four) extra attempts (i.e. who have failed for four times) during the entire MBBS/ BDS course are not eligible to apply for admission to PG Degree/ PG Diploma courses. Production of attempt certificate from the Head of the Institution is mandatory.
Students claiming seats under BRD category should satisfy the following criteria
The student's parents should be permanent residents of one of the seven districts viz. Belgaum, Dharwad, Karwar, Bijapur, Bagalkot, Haveri and Gadag. (Recent Parents Domicile Certificate to be enclosed).
The students should have done at least ten years of schooling (Primary and Secondary) including PUC I & PUC II in any of the above mentioned seven districts. Period of study of MBBS/ BDS shall not be considered for calculating 10 years of schooling.(Students Study Certificate to be enclosed).
Tags: Kle belgaum entrance exam dental, mds, pg, post graduation, dental, mds, all india, exam paper, download, result, admit card, roll number, exam paper, notification
Saturday, November 3, 2012
AMUPMDC MDS Exam Notification
Association of management of Unaided Private Medical and Dental Colleges of Maharashtra
JAN 06, 2013 SUNDAY
2:00- 3:30PM
Tags: Amupmdc exam notification, dental, mds, pg, bds, post graduation, entrance exam, exam paper, date, result
Thursday, November 1, 2012
NITTE University MDS Entrance Exam Notice
Nitte University invites applications for All India Post Graduates Entrance Test NUPGET – 2013 to be held on 06-01-2013 from candidates eligible for MDS courses.
Application complete in all respect shall reach the Registrar on or before 22-12-2012. For details log on to our website or contact by e-mail or phone.
Tags: Nupget 2013 exam notification, nitte university exam, nitte dental, nitte mds exam, nitte entrance exam 2013,
Application complete in all respect shall reach the Registrar on or before 22-12-2012. For details log on to our website or contact by e-mail or phone.
Tags: Nupget 2013 exam notification, nitte university exam, nitte dental, nitte mds exam, nitte entrance exam 2013,
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Sale of Information Brochures & Application Forms: OCT 18, 2012
Last date for receiving complete Application Form at: JAN 01, 2013
Office of the Association of Private Dental & Medical Colleges of Madhya Pradesh, DMAT Office, E-2/51, Arera Colony, BHOPAL - 462016 (M.P)
Date of Examination : JAN 06, 2013
Examination Centre (City): INDORE
In pursuance of judgment dated 01/10/2012 of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, and incompliance of judgment in the case of Mriduldhar, Hon’ble Supreme Court of India time schedule as given by MCI, alongwith judgment dated 08.05.2012 of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India. An All India Common Entrance Test (Pre-PG-DMAT-2012) for admission to MD/MS and MDS Courses will be held on 6th January 2013 (SUNDAY) at INDORE for the Session 2013-14, in R.D. Gardi Medical College, Ujjain, Sri Aurobindo Institute of Medical Sciences, Indore, People’s College of Medical Sciences & RC, Bhopal, Index Medical College Hospital & RC, Indore, Modern Dental College & RC, Indore, People’s College of Dental Sciences & RC, Bhopal, People’s Dental Academy, Bhopal, Hitkarini Dental College & Hospital, Jabalpur, Sri Aurobindo College of Dentistry, Indore, Maharana Pratap College of Dentistry, Gwalior and Rishiraj College of Dental Sciences & RC, Bhopal. L. N. Medical College Hospital & RC, Bhopal and College of Dental Science, Rau, Indore are likely to get permission for MD/MS/MDS - PG Course for 2013-14. If Government of India / DCI permission is received, seats of concerned college will also be included in Counselling. In case private colleges other than mentioned above, who have applied to DCI/MCI for PG
Seats Academic Session 2013-14 will get approval they would also be included at the time of Counselling.
Sale of Information Brochures & Application Forms: OCT 18, 2012
Last date for receiving complete Application Form at: JAN 01, 2013
Office of the Association of Private Dental & Medical Colleges of Madhya Pradesh, DMAT Office, E-2/51, Arera Colony, BHOPAL - 462016 (M.P)
Date of Examination : JAN 06, 2013
Examination Centre (City): INDORE
In pursuance of judgment dated 01/10/2012 of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, and incompliance of judgment in the case of Mriduldhar, Hon’ble Supreme Court of India time schedule as given by MCI, alongwith judgment dated 08.05.2012 of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India. An All India Common Entrance Test (Pre-PG-DMAT-2012) for admission to MD/MS and MDS Courses will be held on 6th January 2013 (SUNDAY) at INDORE for the Session 2013-14, in R.D. Gardi Medical College, Ujjain, Sri Aurobindo Institute of Medical Sciences, Indore, People’s College of Medical Sciences & RC, Bhopal, Index Medical College Hospital & RC, Indore, Modern Dental College & RC, Indore, People’s College of Dental Sciences & RC, Bhopal, People’s Dental Academy, Bhopal, Hitkarini Dental College & Hospital, Jabalpur, Sri Aurobindo College of Dentistry, Indore, Maharana Pratap College of Dentistry, Gwalior and Rishiraj College of Dental Sciences & RC, Bhopal. L. N. Medical College Hospital & RC, Bhopal and College of Dental Science, Rau, Indore are likely to get permission for MD/MS/MDS - PG Course for 2013-14. If Government of India / DCI permission is received, seats of concerned college will also be included in Counselling. In case private colleges other than mentioned above, who have applied to DCI/MCI for PG
Seats Academic Session 2013-14 will get approval they would also be included at the time of Counselling.
Friday, October 19, 2012
COMEDK 2013 MDS Entrance Exam Notification
DATE OF EXAM: FEB 03, 2013
Whereas, the Medical Council of India intended to conduct National Eligibility cum Entrance Test for Post Graduate Medical Degree vide Notification No. MCI-31(1)/2010/Med/62051 dtd. 15.02.2012 and in No. MCI-18(1)/2010-Med./62052 dtd. 15.02.2012;
Whereas, the Medical Council of India intended to conduct National Eligibility cum Entrance Test for Post Graduate Medical Degree vide Notification No. MCI-31(1)/2010/Med/62051 dtd. 15.02.2012 and in No. MCI-18(1)/2010-Med./62052 dtd. 15.02.2012;
Whereas, the Karnataka Private Medical and Dental Colleges Association (KPM&DCA) has obtained an interim order by which the said Notifications have been stayed by the Hon’ble High Court of Karnataka, Bangalore in W.P. No. 12417-12419/2012 dtd. 04th May 2012;
Whereas, the fact of stay and its consequences have been informed to MCI in a communication dtd. 07.07.2012 clearly indicating to MCI not to proceed to the conduct of the said examinations in so far as our member institutions comprising of 12 Medical and 25 Dental colleges are concerned;
Whereas, the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, while transferring the above Writ Petition filed by the Medical Council of India in TP (C) No. 302/2012 dated 12.10.2012 , was pleased to continue the interim orders which have already been passed by the Hon’ble High Court;
Whereas, the KPM&DCA have entrusted COMEDK with the responsibility of conducting an Entrance Test 2013 to Post Graduate courses in Medical and Dental stream in Karnataka for their member institutions;
Now, therefore, the Entrance Test for Post Graduate courses in Medical and Dental streams in respect of Member Institutions for effecting admissions in the academic year 2013 would be held on the 03rd February 2013, the Sunday (*).Candidates are advised to visit the COMEDK website ( for updates. The start date for issue of Online Application would be in the first week of December as in previous years.
(*) As JIPMER conducted its PG Entrance Examination 2012 on second Sunday of the month of February, to facilitate students to take up that examination also, we propose to hold the Entrance Test on first Sunday the 03rd February 2013.
Whereas, the fact of stay and its consequences have been informed to MCI in a communication dtd. 07.07.2012 clearly indicating to MCI not to proceed to the conduct of the said examinations in so far as our member institutions comprising of 12 Medical and 25 Dental colleges are concerned;
Whereas, the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, while transferring the above Writ Petition filed by the Medical Council of India in TP (C) No. 302/2012 dated 12.10.2012 , was pleased to continue the interim orders which have already been passed by the Hon’ble High Court;
Whereas, the KPM&DCA have entrusted COMEDK with the responsibility of conducting an Entrance Test 2013 to Post Graduate courses in Medical and Dental stream in Karnataka for their member institutions;
Now, therefore, the Entrance Test for Post Graduate courses in Medical and Dental streams in respect of Member Institutions for effecting admissions in the academic year 2013 would be held on the 03rd February 2013, the Sunday (*).Candidates are advised to visit the COMEDK website ( for updates. The start date for issue of Online Application would be in the first week of December as in previous years.
(*) As JIPMER conducted its PG Entrance Examination 2012 on second Sunday of the month of February, to facilitate students to take up that examination also, we propose to hold the Entrance Test on first Sunday the 03rd February 2013.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
AIPG MDS Entrance Exam 2013
Tags: dental all india mds entrance exam 2013, neet dental, mds entrance exam aiims, all india. aipg, aipgde
Friday, September 21, 2012
Candidates can now choose date, centre for NEET 2013

Its official now, the first ever All India “Online test” for Post Graduate medical students will be conducted from November 23, 2012. The new system offers flexibility for aspirants to choose any date
between November 23 to December 6, 2012.
After following paper-pencil format for years, this will be the first time that an online test will be conducted for Post Graduate (PG) medical students. Sources in the ministry revealed that the notification with regard to the new computer based testing is likely to come up by next week.
The National Board of Examination (NBE), which agreed to conduct the Common Entrance Test (CET) for PG medical students, decided to replicate the IIM model, an “online test” format for the students. About 36 centres all across the country have been shortlisted. The candidates will also have a flexibility in choosing their centre on first come first basis. “Each state capital will have atleast one centre where the candidate can give the test. The candidates can chose their centre,” said senior official.
All candidates who have completed their MBBS intership or those who will be completing it by 31 March, 2013, will be eligible to sit in the exam.
The NBE has had a detailed planning on the new format to which the IIM’s had switched three years back.
The new system for PG medical test will offer flexibility for candidates to choose any date in the “fourteen day” period for the test.
After following paper-pencil format for years, this will be the first time that an online test will be conducted for Post Graduate (PG) medical students. Sources in the ministry revealed that the notification with regard to the new computer based testing is likely to come up by next week.
The National Board of Examination (NBE), which agreed to conduct the Common Entrance Test (CET) for PG medical students, decided to replicate the IIM model, an “online test” format for the students. About 36 centres all across the country have been shortlisted. The candidates will also have a flexibility in choosing their centre on first come first basis. “Each state capital will have atleast one centre where the candidate can give the test. The candidates can chose their centre,” said senior official.
All candidates who have completed their MBBS intership or those who will be completing it by 31 March, 2013, will be eligible to sit in the exam.
The NBE has had a detailed planning on the new format to which the IIM’s had switched three years back.
The new system for PG medical test will offer flexibility for candidates to choose any date in the “fourteen day” period for the test.
Tags: neet medical 2013, neet 2013 dental, neet exam date, neet mds exam date, need national board, national board nbe cet exam schedule
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Important Dates: AIIMS MDS Entrance Exam
Status of Applications and date of hosting the Admit Cards on website 26.10.2012
Expected date of declaration of Result 29.11.2012
1st Counseling 13.12.2012
2nd Counseling 20.12.2012
Open Selection 28.01.2013
2nd Counseling 20.12.2012
Open Selection 28.01.2013
Sunday, September 9, 2012
AIIMS PG Entrance Exam for Jan 2013 session

Application Fees -
Rs 1000 (Rs 800 for SC/ST candidates) – details in the detailed advertisement
Exam Centres -
Chennai, Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai and Guwahati
How to Apply -
Interested candidates need to apply online only through AIIMS website.No other method is allowed
Date of Online Application - 17-09-2012 to 15-10-2012
Date of Exam - 18-11-2012
Tags: Aiims nov exam mds entrance 2012 dental, aiims dental entrance exam, aiims jan 2013 medical entrance exam, prospectus, online login, online roll number, result, admit card download, aiims nov 2012 admit card download online, aiims 2012 2013 result download pdf, aiims dental mds prospectus
Tags: Aiims nov exam mds entrance 2012 dental, aiims dental entrance exam, aiims jan 2013 medical entrance exam, prospectus, online login, online roll number, result, admit card download, aiims nov 2012 admit card download online, aiims 2012 2013 result download pdf, aiims dental mds prospectus
Sunday, September 2, 2012
AIPG 2013 Updates
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Online PG Medical Test To Be Held Later This Year
NEWS published in Aug 28, 2012 of DeccanChronical.
- Online NEET confirmed.
- Exam at End of the year, (official announcement of exam date pending).
- NBE will conduct the exam.
- Autonomous institutes not covered under NEET.
The Union health ministry, which approved the new “ONLINE” method on Monday, decided to conduct the exam in October or November this year.
Sources in the ministry disclosed that the file has already been sent for the approval of Union health minister and the final date of the test will be notified this week. Earlier, some senior health ministry officials has opposed thenew move to conduct common online test. They had advised that the old-pencil format should be used.
However, in a meeting held on Monday the new technique developed by the National Board of Examination (NBE) on the lines of IIM test-got the final approval.
The new method has been replicated from the IIM model-an “online test” format for the studentswhich they introduced three years back. The PG medical test will be conducted for all private and government medical colleges, barring All India Institute of Medical College (AIIMS), PGI Chandigarh and JIPMErPondicherry.
“These are autonomous institutes and and can conduct their own exams under the Act of Parliament. These institutes have been exempted from the common test,” said a senior official in the health ministry. AIIMS conduct PG exam for 50 per cent of the government seats on behalf of DGHS which comes to around 4,000 seats.
The NBE which is ready with the new system says that it offers flexibility for candidates to choose any date in the ten-day period for the test. Besides invigilators, CCTVs and biometric identification systems will also be put in place.
Tags: NBE, National board examination, neet, neet dental, common mds entrance exam, mds entrance exam 2013, mds entrance exam 2014, mds entrance exam pattern, mds entrance exam date, mds entrance exam schedule, Tags: aiims AIPGMEE 2013, AIPGMEE, AIPGMEE 2012 question paper, AIPGMEE 2013, AIPGMEE 2013 admit card, AIPGMEE 2013 aiims, AIPGMEE 2013 allotment of seats, AIPGMEE 2013 answer key, AIPGMEE 2013 application form, AIPGMEE 2013 application status, AIPGMEE 2013 apply online, AIPGMEE 2013 brochure, AIPGMEE 2013 counselling,AIPGMEE 2013 counselling result, AIPGMEE 2013 counselling schedule, AIPGMEE 2013 counselling seats, AIPGMEE 2013 cutoff,AIPGMEE 2013 date, AIPGMEE 2013 dental, AIPGMEE 2013 eligibility, AIPGMEE 2013 exam date, AIPGMEE 2013 exam paper,AIPGMEE 2013 exam pattern, AIPGMEE 2013 important dates, AIPGMEE 2013 mds, AIPGMEE 2013 medical, AIPGMEE 2013 merit list, AIPGMEE 2013 merit list mds, AIPGMEE 2013 notification, AIPGMEE 2013 online counselling, AIPGMEE 2013 online form,AIPGMEE 2013 papers, AIPGMEE 2013 preparation, AIPGMEE 2013 prospectus, AIPGMEE 2013 rank letter, AIPGMEE 2013 rank list,AIPGMEE 2013 registration, AIPGMEE 2013 result, AIPGMEE 2013 result date, AIPGMEE 2013 results md, AIPGMEE 2013 seat allotment, AIPGMEE 2013 seat matrix, AIPGMEE 2013 seats, AIPGMEE 2013 second counselling, AIPGMEE 2013 syllabus, AIPGMEE admit card 2013, AIPGMEE allotment list 2013, AIPGMEE books, AIPGMEE counselling date 2013, AIPGMEE cut off, AIPGMEE entrance exam 2013, AIPGMEE marks 2013, AIPGMEE previous year papers, AIPGMEE question bank, AIPGMEE question papers download, AIPGMEE rank list 2013, AIPGMEE result, AIPGMEE result 2015, AIPGMEE result 2013 mds, AIPGMEE results 2013 pdf,AIPGMEE sample papers, AIPGMEE second list 2013, AIPGMEE solution 2013, AIPGMEE solved question paper, AIPGMEE study materials, AIPGMEE syllabus download, mds, dental. aipgde. mds entrance exam, aipg mds 2013
Sunday, June 3, 2012
AIIMS May 2012 Exam Paper
Tags: Aiims may 2012 exam paper, aiims may 2012 solved exam paper, aiims may 2012 recalled question, aiims may 2012 question paper with answer key, aiims may 2012 pooled questions.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Saturday, April 21, 2012
List of Dental Diploma Courses in India
5 day orthodontic course (By Dr PK Anand)
2 day orthodontic course (By Dr PK Anand)
6 month orthodontic course (By Dr PK Anand)
Certificate course in fixed course (By Dr Ravi Kumar)
Certificate course in fixed course-ONLINE (By Dr Ravi Kumar)
Certificate course in Lingual Orthodontics (By Dr Ravi Kumar)
Certificate Course in Orthodontic Mini Screw Implant (By Dr Ravi Kumar)
Certificate Course in Straight Wire Orthodontics (By Dr Ravi Kumar)
International Orthodontics Fellowship course
2 day course in endodontics (By Dr PK Anand)
2 day smile make over course (By Dr PK Anand)
2 day minor oral surgery course ( By Dr PK Anand)
Datta Meghe Institute of medical science
Dr Ankur Goyal(course director)
cont no. 08107129712
Shree Krishna Kripa Multispeciality Dental Clinic & Implantology Training Centre
K.K.Tower, Opp. to Dudh Mandi , Banipark,
JAIPUR ( Rajasthan), India
Centre of Advanced Dental Education, New Delhi
5 day orthodontic course (By Dr PK Anand)
2 day orthodontic course (By Dr PK Anand)
6 month orthodontic course (By Dr PK Anand)
Certificate course in fixed course (By Dr Ravi Kumar)
Certificate course in fixed course-ONLINE (By Dr Ravi Kumar)
Certificate course in Lingual Orthodontics (By Dr Ravi Kumar)
Certificate Course in Orthodontic Mini Screw Implant (By Dr Ravi Kumar)
Certificate Course in Straight Wire Orthodontics (By Dr Ravi Kumar)
International Orthodontics Fellowship course
2 day course in endodontics (By Dr PK Anand)
2 day smile make over course (By Dr PK Anand)

Datta Meghe Institute of medical science
Dr Ankur Goyal(course director)
cont no. 08107129712
Shree Krishna Kripa Multispeciality Dental Clinic & Implantology Training Centre
K.K.Tower, Opp. to Dudh Mandi , Banipark,
JAIPUR ( Rajasthan), India
Centre of Advanced Dental Education, New Delhi
Friday, April 20, 2012
AIPG 2012 Online Counseling Update: Committee Members, Participating Colleges, FAQ, Distribution of seats, Schedule, Flow chart, Seat Matrix
Medical Counseling Committee
All India Post-graduate Medical/ Dental Entrance Examination (AIPGMEE) and All India Pre-Medical/Pre-Dental Entrance Examination (AIPMEE)- 2012 for admission to MD/MD/Postgraduate Diploma/ MDS courses and MBBS & BDS course are being conducted by the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) and Central Board of Secondary Examination (CBSE) respectively for admission to PG and UG all India Quota. The seats of Post-graduate and Under-graduate all India Quota will be filled up on the basis of result of these examinations by the Medical Counselling Committee (MCC). The Medical Counselling Committee – 2012 is hereby constituted as under with immediate effect:
(i) Special DG (Medical Education)- Dr N.K. Mohanty: Chairman
(ii) Deputy Director General (Medical): Member
(iii) Director, Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi: Member
(iv) Principal, VMMC & Safdarjang Hospital, New Delhi: Member
(v) Assistant Director General (Medical Education): Member
(vi) Nominee of All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi : Member
(vii) Nominee of National Informatics Centre (NIC New Delhi): Member
(viii) Nominee of the CBSE, Delhi: Member
(ix) Director/ Deputy Secretary (Dealing with Medical Education), Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India : Member Secretary
No. U.12021/1/2012-MEC
Directorate General of Health Services
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Government of India
(Medical Examination Cell)
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi 110011
Dated the February 22, 2012
Office Order
Subject: Constitution of Medical Counselling Committee (MCC) for Online counseling for Post-graduate (50%) and Under-graduate (15%) all India Quota for the year 2012-13- regarding.All India Post-graduate Medical/ Dental Entrance Examination (AIPGMEE) and All India Pre-Medical/Pre-Dental Entrance Examination (AIPMEE)- 2012 for admission to MD/MD/Postgraduate Diploma/ MDS courses and MBBS & BDS course are being conducted by the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) and Central Board of Secondary Examination (CBSE) respectively for admission to PG and UG all India Quota. The seats of Post-graduate and Under-graduate all India Quota will be filled up on the basis of result of these examinations by the Medical Counselling Committee (MCC). The Medical Counselling Committee – 2012 is hereby constituted as under with immediate effect:
(i) Special DG (Medical Education)- Dr N.K. Mohanty: Chairman
(ii) Deputy Director General (Medical): Member
(iii) Director, Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi: Member
(iv) Principal, VMMC & Safdarjang Hospital, New Delhi: Member
(v) Assistant Director General (Medical Education): Member
(vi) Nominee of All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi : Member
(vii) Nominee of National Informatics Centre (NIC New Delhi): Member
(viii) Nominee of the CBSE, Delhi: Member
(ix) Director/ Deputy Secretary (Dealing with Medical Education), Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India : Member Secretary
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
AIPG Online PG Dental Counselling schedule 2012
Admission Porocess at alloted Institute and Flow chart of Counselling and admission process
Main Counseling Registration, Choice Filling & Indicative Seat:- 1st may to 7th May
Exercising of Choices and Locking:- 8-10 May
Process of Seat Allotment - Round 1:- 11-12 May
Round 1 Result Publish:- 13 May
Reporting at the Reporting Centers against 1st Round: 13-22 May
Process of Seat Allotment -Round 2:- 23-24 May
Round 2 Result Publish:- 25 May
Reporting at the Reporting Centers against Round 2:- 25 May- 3 June
Publication of net vacant seats: 4-6 June
Registration & Choice Submission by all eligible candidates:- 7-9 June
Process of Seat Allotment - Round 3:- 10-11 June
Round 3 Result Publication:- 12 June
Reporting at the Institutions against Round 3:- 12-21 June
Transfer of vacant seats to State Quota:- 22 June
Main Counseling Registration, Choice Filling & Indicative Seat:- 1st may to 7th May
Exercising of Choices and Locking:- 8-10 May
Process of Seat Allotment - Round 1:- 11-12 May
Round 1 Result Publish:- 13 May
Reporting at the Reporting Centers against 1st Round: 13-22 May
Process of Seat Allotment -Round 2:- 23-24 May
Round 2 Result Publish:- 25 May
Reporting at the Reporting Centers against Round 2:- 25 May- 3 June
Publication of net vacant seats: 4-6 June
Registration & Choice Submission by all eligible candidates:- 7-9 June
Process of Seat Allotment - Round 3:- 10-11 June
Round 3 Result Publication:- 12 June
Reporting at the Institutions against Round 3:- 12-21 June
Transfer of vacant seats to State Quota:- 22 June
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Information about college, fee, bond information etc for post graduate courses for academic session
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
COMEDK 2012 Exam Paper with Answer Key
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Wednesday, March 21, 2012
APPG/PGMET 2012 (Medical) Exam Paper With Key
APPG - Andhra Pradesh Medical PG Entrance Exam
Conducted by NTR University of Health Sciences (NTRUHS)
Tags: Download appg 2012, appg previous year exam paper, appg key, appg answer, appg solved exam paper, appg question paper, andhra pradesh exam paper, medical exam paper, solved exam paper medical, ap md ms exam paper,
Sunday, March 18, 2012
April 27, 2012 FRIDAY
Morning Session (9am-1pm)
UR 1-76 (PH 1-2)
SC 1-15
ST 1-7
Evening Session (2pm-6pm)
UR 77-128 (PH 3)
SC 16-25
ST 8-12
1 The candidates must read the Prospectus and Rank Letter carefully before appearing in the Counseling and follow the instructions given therein.
2 The Counselling will be held as per the CATEGORY RANK (UR/SC/ST&PH) only (as shown on Rank Letter issued by AIIMS, New Delhi) and NOT as per the “Over All Rank”.
Morning Session (9am-1pm)
UR 1-76 (PH 1-2)
SC 1-15
ST 1-7
Evening Session (2pm-6pm)
UR 77-128 (PH 3)
SC 16-25
ST 8-12
1 The candidates must read the Prospectus and Rank Letter carefully before appearing in the Counseling and follow the instructions given therein.
2 The Counselling will be held as per the CATEGORY RANK (UR/SC/ST&PH) only (as shown on Rank Letter issued by AIIMS, New Delhi) and NOT as per the “Over All Rank”.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
PGI MDS/House Job Exam Notification
Admission Notification for PGI MDS and House Jobs (OHSC) Entrance Exam for Session July 2012
Exam Date:
June 06, 2012

Declaration of Result:
June 07, 2012
Last Date:
APRIL 11, 2012
Exam Fees: Rs 1000/-
All the candidates are directed to deposit the above fees in the branches of State Bank of India by filling the Challan form in the name of Director, PGIMER, Chandigarh (Examination) in the Power Jyoti Account No. 32211613319 and those candidates who have SBI account can also pay their fee through i-collect service.
Exam Date:
June 06, 2012
Declaration of Result:
June 07, 2012
Last Date:
APRIL 11, 2012
Exam Fees: Rs 1000/-
All the candidates are directed to deposit the above fees in the branches of State Bank of India by filling the Challan form in the name of Director, PGIMER, Chandigarh (Examination) in the Power Jyoti Account No. 32211613319 and those candidates who have SBI account can also pay their fee through i-collect service.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
BHU 2012 Exam Paper
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AIPG 2011(MEDICAL) Exam Paper With Explanation
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Friday, March 9, 2012
NUPGET 2012 Exam Paper
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Thursday, March 8, 2012
Success Story of Dr Janhavi Joshi (AIPG Rank 98)
"CONGRATS TO DR Janhavi Joshi From DMnDL"
Each person has his/her own pattern..... I'll tell U what I did.... maybe U'll find some of that useful......
1) May..... Mudit Khanna- Amit Ashish read 1.
2) June-August..... all subjects Gauri + Pulse + textbook + Prabhakar & Ritu Duggal.... chapterwise.... had read most textbooks except Pharmac and medicine (my laziness)
3) September... NBDE + dental AIIMS-AIPG papers
4) October.... papers and Pulse
5) November... gave AIIMS.... bad paper... loitered around
6) December... Pulse (3rd time) + Gauri + Amit-Mudit + dental papers + NBDE (U HAVE TO STUDY YOUR ASS OFF IN DECEMBER)
7) Jan... after AIPG... Pulse (twice)Oh! btw.... it was my 2nd attempt..... and best of luck!
Janhavi Joshi
AIPGDEE rank 98
Maharashtra PGDCET rank 5,
COMEDK rank 17,
Manipal rank 30,
KLE rank 30,
Pravara rank 26,
Maharashtra Associate CET rank 41
Tags: Aipg success story, mds exam preparation, how to study for mds entrance exam, dental pg exams,
Janhavi Joshi
AIPGDEE rank 98
Maharashtra PGDCET rank 5,
COMEDK rank 17,
Manipal rank 30,
KLE rank 30,
Pravara rank 26,
Maharashtra Associate CET rank 41
Tags: Aipg success story, mds exam preparation, how to study for mds entrance exam, dental pg exams,
Success Story of Dr Tanmay Mittal (AIPG Rank 61)
Hello guys,
Firstly thanks a lot for ur wishes :), I don think i did anything different from what you all are doing and just keep doing the good work...i feel more than hard work it is the level of motivation that we need to keep up, i would insist initially just pick up a couple of books n be thorough with it , u should in and out of it..may be for a begining pulse and dentest r really good (minus the wrong answers in that :))
and once ground work is done go for next level and always and always read explanations very carefully , once ur concepts n fundamentals r strong u can answer a question from anywhere!
Regarding text books its a personal choice though i don think they are so very necessary.take ur call
The four looks r very important!
look back and get experience,
look forward and see hope,
look around and find reality,
look within and be confident :)
so guys jst go for it...m sure u'l ace it!
Tanmay Mittal
Other Ranks
AIPGDEE rank 61
Karnataka cet 83
MANIPAL rank 88
Comed rank 170
KLE rank 95
Hello guys,
Firstly thanks a lot for ur wishes :), I don think i did anything different from what you all are doing and just keep doing the good work...i feel more than hard work it is the level of motivation that we need to keep up, i would insist initially just pick up a couple of books n be thorough with it , u should in and out of it..may be for a begining pulse and dentest r really good (minus the wrong answers in that :))
and once ground work is done go for next level and always and always read explanations very carefully , once ur concepts n fundamentals r strong u can answer a question from anywhere!
Regarding text books its a personal choice though i don think they are so very necessary.take ur call
The four looks r very important!
look back and get experience,
look forward and see hope,
look around and find reality,
look within and be confident :)
so guys jst go for it...m sure u'l ace it!
Tanmay Mittal
Other Ranks
AIPGDEE rank 61
Karnataka cet 83
MANIPAL rank 88
Comed rank 170
KLE rank 95
Tips For COMEDK MDS Entrance Exam
- Go through the whole paper. Mark the questions which are related to you remotely.
- Exp - Like gall stones.. they can be asked, but don't go in depth
- At least 2-4 questions can be expected from these papers
- Makes a lot of difference for ranks
- Books can be obtained from shops, specially in Paras bangalore or south india
- Only question and answer needs to be done at this moment
- Last 3 -4 years is enough
- Don't read discussion much except the imp which cleared your basics and marked
- Latest things , which are clinically oriented can be asked like genes.. etc
- Revise Dental pulse as much as possible
- Dont forget to do new questions from Gowrishankar Dentest
- Give more time to questions which you always tend to forget.. Hope u have marked
- Read synopsis first now before solving MCQ
- Read explanation of latest questions , New things will be asked from here
- Revise, Revise, Revise
Review of MDS Entrance Books

A book is said to be the best friend which will guide you through the success in the entrance exam..:) .. and just like the other friends which you will have in your life.. some are good.. some are bad.. and some need fine tuning…
But.. one things which everyone needs to understand here .. Commenting about the book is very easy.. but writing one???… ITS NOT EASY.!!! TRY IT ONE DAY
The basic difference between me and others??.. I tried to correct many books.. I sent the correction to the author.. After 3 years too.. I still forward it to the student who need it.. I still try to find such guy who will make such an effort to help others, than just commenting on the efforts of the author. The search goes on ..!!
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
All about Army Dental Corps
Army Dental Corps is a family of dedicated professionals committed to maintaining the dental health of Armed Forces Officers, personnel and their families which in turn contributes to optimum force utilization and enhances operational capability.
The Core Values of the Corps are patient focused & comply with clinical and contemporary governance protocols; value each individual and their contribution; provide directed military & professional development and promote tri-service ethos.
The Corps Ethos have also been imbibed into the Corps Crest which has a laurel wreath enclosing elephant tusks and a lotus flower at the base. The beauty of the crest is highlighted by the noble Ashoka Lions at the top. The right tusk represents wisdom and the left, emotion.
How to join Army Dental Corps
Entry Open For Indian Nationals Only
Direct Permanent Commission
1. Candidate must be BDS (with minimum 60% marks in final year)/ MDS, college recognised by DCI.
2. Should have completed one year rotatory internship, recognised by the Dental Council of India on the date of application.
3. Should be in possession of Permanent Dental Registration Certificate.
4. Candidates with BDS qualification must not have attained 28 years of age on 31 Dec of the year of application. Age limit may be extended upto 30 years in case of candidate with Postgraduate qualification.
5. Should be medically fit in all respects for service in the Defence Forces.
The Core Values of the Corps are patient focused & comply with clinical and contemporary governance protocols; value each individual and their contribution; provide directed military & professional development and promote tri-service ethos.
The Corps Ethos have also been imbibed into the Corps Crest which has a laurel wreath enclosing elephant tusks and a lotus flower at the base. The beauty of the crest is highlighted by the noble Ashoka Lions at the top. The right tusk represents wisdom and the left, emotion.
How to join Army Dental Corps
Entry Open For Indian Nationals Only
Direct Permanent Commission
1. Candidate must be BDS (with minimum 60% marks in final year)/ MDS, college recognised by DCI.
2. Should have completed one year rotatory internship, recognised by the Dental Council of India on the date of application.
3. Should be in possession of Permanent Dental Registration Certificate.
4. Candidates with BDS qualification must not have attained 28 years of age on 31 Dec of the year of application. Age limit may be extended upto 30 years in case of candidate with Postgraduate qualification.
5. Should be medically fit in all respects for service in the Defence Forces.
All about Australian Dental Council MDS Exam
This document has been prepared by the Australian Dental Council (ADC), for the information and guidance of overseas trained dentists who wish to obtain recognition of their qualifications in Australia and become registered to practise dentistry. It is intended as a guide only, and is not legally binding on any of the bodies or agencies listed. The information given is believed to be accurate at the time of publication, however requirements for recognition may vary from time to time.
If you are already in Australia but need a skills assessment to support an application to change your immigration status, you should seek the advice of the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC)
Dentistry in Australia
Australia has a federal system of government, comprising a Federal Government (at the national level) and six State and two Territory governments. From 01 July 2010 (and for Western Australia from 18 October 2010), a new national registration and accreditation scheme for the health professions, including dentistry, commenced operation across Australia, replacing separate legislation covering registration in each State and Territory.
To practise dentistry in Australia you must be registered with the Dental Board of Australia. The steps you need to take to obtain registration in Australia are explained below.
Dentists work in general practice or specialise in one of the following principal fields: Endodontics, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Orthodontics, Paediatric Dentistry, Periodontics and Prosthodontics.
Dentists trained in Australia must meet the entry requirements of one of the Australian institutions offering dental courses, and then complete the required full-time academic training (four or five years) leading to a dental degree. If dentists wish to specialise, they must complete extra study after having had clinical experience.
Success Story of Dr Lakshita Joshi (79th Rank in AIPG)
Sharing with you all how I prepared for the exams…
Sharing with you all how I prepared for the exams…
Each one of us has our own way of studying but yes all those people starting their prep for 2013 it would be good to learn from experiences and then formulate your own method which works for you best, I did that! I read and asked many people that how they prepared and then I took from each of them what would work for me best!
Since I worked for an NGO for a year, I couldn’t get that quality time for my studies. It was a bad idea to work and study both, so I would advise if you are very serious for PG then just devote your time to studies! May 2011 I left that job and then started my preparation seriously!
Since I worked for an NGO for a year, I couldn’t get that quality time for my studies. It was a bad idea to work and study both, so I would advise if you are very serious for PG then just devote your time to studies! May 2011 I left that job and then started my preparation seriously!
First thing what I did was I made a diary and wrote in it what all books and past papers I have to study, made a deadline that this particular thing should be completed by this this date. Among all this the most important thing is daily revision ,because if you fail to revise your all reading is a waste as there are so many things to remember that REVISION becomes prime important!
Another thing what I did was I made my short term and long term goals. That helped me to keep a track of my preparation.
Another thing what I did was I made my short term and long term goals. That helped me to keep a track of my preparation.
May+ June (2 weeks) ----Dental pulse (basic) and Nbde (basic)+ related text
I read pulse and Nbde together as the subjects where same and somehow it helped me to get a better understanding
I read pulse and Nbde together as the subjects where same and somehow it helped me to get a better understanding
Success Story of Dr Gaurav (89th Rank in AIPG)
First of all..all the best to mds aspirants...I hope that this helps you all in deciding your preparation strategy...theres no one method to prepare for exams..take advice from all but follow that which is best for you....
1. Time: I attended my internship for about 6 months...then started prep for this year had roughly 6 and half mnths in my hand for aipg and 7 and half for mahe and comed...time is not less for those who have just started prep....but time management is very very important...every second counts..utilize this time to its fullest extent...remember..each second you waste ..your competitors get ahead of you..SO DONT GIVE THEM THIS CHANCE!!!
2. Books to be done-Pulse and Dentest
Neeraj wadhwan..(excellent explanations)
Aiims dental papers
Mudit khanna (for aiims and aipg only)-previous 5 years papers
Amit ashish (again for aiims and aipg only) 5yrs
NBDE papers (very imp for aiims, aipg and mahe)
Other entrance papers (can be found in Dental bytes or Dental quest)
Dental explore (for bhu papers)
Prabhakaran- for perio
3. Theory-
First of all..all the best to mds aspirants...I hope that this helps you all in deciding your preparation strategy...theres no one method to prepare for exams..take advice from all but follow that which is best for you....
1. Time: I attended my internship for about 6 months...then started prep for this year had roughly 6 and half mnths in my hand for aipg and 7 and half for mahe and comed...time is not less for those who have just started prep....but time management is very very important...every second counts..utilize this time to its fullest extent...remember..each second you waste ..your competitors get ahead of you..SO DONT GIVE THEM THIS CHANCE!!!
2. Books to be done-Pulse and Dentest
Neeraj wadhwan..(excellent explanations)
Aiims dental papers
Mudit khanna (for aiims and aipg only)-previous 5 years papers
Amit ashish (again for aiims and aipg only) 5yrs
NBDE papers (very imp for aiims, aipg and mahe)
Other entrance papers (can be found in Dental bytes or Dental quest)
Dental explore (for bhu papers)
Prabhakaran- for perio
3. Theory-
Reading theory part is very important..mere cramming mcqs wont help you...u must understand question, logic behind it and then solve questions...also dont read just anything and everything...thats not what is relevant...AND FROM GOOD BOOKS .mark new questions from explanations, synopsis and maintain separate diary for values,scientists, years..etc...theyll be helpful to you for last time revisions...and yes I must tell here that my theory part was always strong thoughout my clg i didnt face too many difficulties in reading books and my ntes..:) But yes...if you feel that youre not able to do theory part then its ok...
Monday, March 5, 2012
Kerala MDS Entrance Exam Result
Download Result as pdf file
Download Result as jpeg file
General Quota Result
Service Quota Result
Download Result as jpeg file
General Quota Result
Service Quota Result
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
HC refuses to scrap PG medical entrance exam

The Delhi High Court has refused to scrap the common entrance test for post-graduate medical courses in wake of allegations of copying at some centres saying that mere apprehension of cheating cannot be a ground to quash the entire test when the incident is being probed.
Justice Hima Kohli dismissed the pleas, made by some candidates, to quash the All-India Post Graduate Medical Entrance Examination (AIPGMEE), held on January 8 at 156 centres across the country, saying that they were "premature" and based on "surmises" and "conjectures".
"Merely an apprehension expressed by the petitioners that they would suffer irreparable loss and injury in the event of a scam, which is under investigation by the Crime Branch, Delhi Police, cannot be considered as sufficient ground for quashing the AIPGMEE-2012 held on January 8, 2012 for 69,069 candidates all over the country, said Justice Kohli.
"When the magnitude of the aforesaid incident is still unknown and the investigations are on, the present petition can only be termed as one based on surmises and conjectures... the petition is dismissed along with the pending application, as being premature and without any basis," she added.
Friday, February 10, 2012
NBDE Test Packets 2

Click Here To Download
This article is for those who are searching for
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Thursday, February 2, 2012
KCET PGET 2012 Exam Paper
tags: KCET 2012, KCET Solved 2012, Karnataka mds exam paper, KCET question paper, KCET previous year dental exam paper, Karnataka mds entrance exam question paper, Karnataka PGET 2012 exam paper, Kcet 2012 solved question paper, KCET 2012 questions with answer.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
CMC Ludhiana MDS Exam Notification
Christian Medical College, Ludhiana MDS Exam Notification
Last Date: 17 Feb 2012
Exam Date: 24 Feb 2012
Exam Venue: Ludhiana, New Delhi, Kochi
Distribution of Seats:
Pedodontia and Preventive Dentistry: TOTAL 4 SEATS
Category A- 1 [Christian Sponsored]
Category B- 1 [Christian Open]
Category C-2 [Open]
Course Fees: 2,99,000/-
How to Apply:
Exam Fees: 3200/- along with application form
Click here to apply online
This notification is for those who are searching for
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Friday, January 20, 2012
UPPGMEE MDS Exam Notification
UP Post Graduate Medical Entrance Exam 2012
Exam Date: Feb 26, 2012
Exam Venue: Lucknow
Form Cost : 1500/- (Can pay online)
Total Number of Seats: 12
Eligibility: Candidates who passed BDS From Any Dental college from Uttar Pradesh.
Click Here To Download Brochure
Click Here To Apply Online
Click Here For Official Website
This notification is for those who are searching for
MDS Exam notification, Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj Medical University, Lucknow MDS Exam Notification, Lucknow mds entrance exam, kgmc entrance exam, lucknow medical college entrance exam, kgmc dental college exam, uppgmee 2012 entrance exam
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
MDS Exam Notification by MP Professional Examination Board
Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board, Bhopal
MDS Entrance Exam for admission in government and private dental colleges in Madhya Pradesh
Last Date: 10 Feb 2012
Exam Center: Bhopal
For govt college: Candidate must be bonafied resident of Madhya Pradesh
For private college: Candidate must permanently be registered by Madhya Pradesh Dental Council
COMEDK 2011 Exam Paper
7. Which of the following is true about thermal and electrical pulp tests after trauma
a. Sensitivity tests evaluate the nerve and circulatory condition of the tooth
b. False positive tests are more likely than false negative tests
c. It may take upto nine months for normal blood flow to return
d. It may take a few hours for normal blood flow to return
tags: COMEDK 2011 Exam paper, comedk 2011 solved exam paper, comedk 2011 question paper, comedk 2011 answer key, comedk 2011 solved question paper, pooled question of comedk, question bank of comedk, previous year paper of comedk, old question paper of comedk, bangalore comedk question paper
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Annamalai University MDS Exam Notification
Admission Notification for MDS Degree
Last Date: 27 Jan 2012

Cost of Application: ` 2000/-
Venue: Annamalai University
How To Apply
Application and prospectus can be obtained from THE REGISTRAR, ANNAMALAI UNIVERSITY, ANNAMALAINAGAR by sending DD in favor of THE REGISTRAR, ANNAMALAI UNIVERSITY, ANNAMALAINAGAR payable at CHENNAI along with self addressed stamped envelop size 30 cm X 24 cm
Click Here For Official Notification
Click here for Official Website
This notification is for those who are searching for
MDS Exam notification, mds entrance exam notification, dental pg notification, bds pg notification, annamalai university mds notification, annamalai university mds exam notification, mds exam form, last date of mds exam, how to apply mds exam.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
KCET 2011 Exam Paper
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Maharishi Markandeshwar University MDS Exam Notification
Maharishi Markandeshwar University, Mullana (Ambala)
Last Date: Jan 23, 2012
Exam Date: 04 Feb 2012
Venue: Mullana
Declaration of result: Feb 11, 2012
Examination Fees: Demand Draft for Rs. 2000/- drawn in favour of the Registrar, Maharishi Markandeshwar University, Mullana payable at Ambala, on account of cost of this Prospectus-cum- Application Form and Entrance Test Fee.
Distribution of Seats:
Prosthodontics: 03
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: 03
Periodontics: 03
Conservative Dentistry: 04
Oral Pathology and Microbiology: 04
Orthodontics: 02
Pedodontics: 03
Oral Medicine and Radiology: 04
Community and Preventive Dentistry: 02
Friday, January 13, 2012
Punjab PGET 2012 Prospectus Now Available
Date Of Exam: 26 Feb, 2012
Exam Time: 11 am - 2 pm
Course fees for Private Colleges: 5,00,000/- per year
Prospectus for PGET-2012 will be available at :
Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, Faridkot,
Govt. Medical Colleges, Amritsar & Patiala,
DMC, Ludhiana,
SGRD Instt. of Dental Sciences, Amritsar,
DRME office, SCO-87, Sector 40-C, Chandigarh.
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