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Tuesday, March 27, 2012
COMEDK 2012 Exam Paper with Answer Key
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Wednesday, March 21, 2012
APPG/PGMET 2012 (Medical) Exam Paper With Key
APPG - Andhra Pradesh Medical PG Entrance Exam
Conducted by NTR University of Health Sciences (NTRUHS)
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Sunday, March 18, 2012
April 27, 2012 FRIDAY
Morning Session (9am-1pm)
UR 1-76 (PH 1-2)
SC 1-15
ST 1-7
Evening Session (2pm-6pm)
UR 77-128 (PH 3)
SC 16-25
ST 8-12
1 The candidates must read the Prospectus and Rank Letter carefully before appearing in the Counseling and follow the instructions given therein.
2 The Counselling will be held as per the CATEGORY RANK (UR/SC/ST&PH) only (as shown on Rank Letter issued by AIIMS, New Delhi) and NOT as per the “Over All Rank”.
Morning Session (9am-1pm)
UR 1-76 (PH 1-2)
SC 1-15
ST 1-7
Evening Session (2pm-6pm)
UR 77-128 (PH 3)
SC 16-25
ST 8-12
1 The candidates must read the Prospectus and Rank Letter carefully before appearing in the Counseling and follow the instructions given therein.
2 The Counselling will be held as per the CATEGORY RANK (UR/SC/ST&PH) only (as shown on Rank Letter issued by AIIMS, New Delhi) and NOT as per the “Over All Rank”.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
PGI MDS/House Job Exam Notification
Admission Notification for PGI MDS and House Jobs (OHSC) Entrance Exam for Session July 2012
Exam Date:
June 06, 2012

Declaration of Result:
June 07, 2012
Last Date:
APRIL 11, 2012
Exam Fees: Rs 1000/-
All the candidates are directed to deposit the above fees in the branches of State Bank of India by filling the Challan form in the name of Director, PGIMER, Chandigarh (Examination) in the Power Jyoti Account No. 32211613319 and those candidates who have SBI account can also pay their fee through i-collect service.
Exam Date:
June 06, 2012
Declaration of Result:
June 07, 2012
Last Date:
APRIL 11, 2012
Exam Fees: Rs 1000/-
All the candidates are directed to deposit the above fees in the branches of State Bank of India by filling the Challan form in the name of Director, PGIMER, Chandigarh (Examination) in the Power Jyoti Account No. 32211613319 and those candidates who have SBI account can also pay their fee through i-collect service.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
BHU 2012 Exam Paper
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AIPG 2011(MEDICAL) Exam Paper With Explanation
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Friday, March 9, 2012
NUPGET 2012 Exam Paper
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Thursday, March 8, 2012
Success Story of Dr Janhavi Joshi (AIPG Rank 98)
"CONGRATS TO DR Janhavi Joshi From DMnDL"
Each person has his/her own pattern..... I'll tell U what I did.... maybe U'll find some of that useful......
1) May..... Mudit Khanna- Amit Ashish read 1.
2) June-August..... all subjects Gauri + Pulse + textbook + Prabhakar & Ritu Duggal.... chapterwise.... had read most textbooks except Pharmac and medicine (my laziness)
3) September... NBDE + dental AIIMS-AIPG papers
4) October.... papers and Pulse
5) November... gave AIIMS.... bad paper... loitered around
6) December... Pulse (3rd time) + Gauri + Amit-Mudit + dental papers + NBDE (U HAVE TO STUDY YOUR ASS OFF IN DECEMBER)
7) Jan... after AIPG... Pulse (twice)Oh! btw.... it was my 2nd attempt..... and best of luck!
Janhavi Joshi
AIPGDEE rank 98
Maharashtra PGDCET rank 5,
COMEDK rank 17,
Manipal rank 30,
KLE rank 30,
Pravara rank 26,
Maharashtra Associate CET rank 41
Tags: Aipg success story, mds exam preparation, how to study for mds entrance exam, dental pg exams,
Janhavi Joshi
AIPGDEE rank 98
Maharashtra PGDCET rank 5,
COMEDK rank 17,
Manipal rank 30,
KLE rank 30,
Pravara rank 26,
Maharashtra Associate CET rank 41
Tags: Aipg success story, mds exam preparation, how to study for mds entrance exam, dental pg exams,
Success Story of Dr Tanmay Mittal (AIPG Rank 61)
Hello guys,
Firstly thanks a lot for ur wishes :), I don think i did anything different from what you all are doing and just keep doing the good work...i feel more than hard work it is the level of motivation that we need to keep up, i would insist initially just pick up a couple of books n be thorough with it , u should in and out of it..may be for a begining pulse and dentest r really good (minus the wrong answers in that :))
and once ground work is done go for next level and always and always read explanations very carefully , once ur concepts n fundamentals r strong u can answer a question from anywhere!
Regarding text books its a personal choice though i don think they are so very necessary.take ur call
The four looks r very important!
look back and get experience,
look forward and see hope,
look around and find reality,
look within and be confident :)
so guys jst go for it...m sure u'l ace it!
Tanmay Mittal
Other Ranks
AIPGDEE rank 61
Karnataka cet 83
MANIPAL rank 88
Comed rank 170
KLE rank 95
Hello guys,
Firstly thanks a lot for ur wishes :), I don think i did anything different from what you all are doing and just keep doing the good work...i feel more than hard work it is the level of motivation that we need to keep up, i would insist initially just pick up a couple of books n be thorough with it , u should in and out of it..may be for a begining pulse and dentest r really good (minus the wrong answers in that :))
and once ground work is done go for next level and always and always read explanations very carefully , once ur concepts n fundamentals r strong u can answer a question from anywhere!
Regarding text books its a personal choice though i don think they are so very necessary.take ur call
The four looks r very important!
look back and get experience,
look forward and see hope,
look around and find reality,
look within and be confident :)
so guys jst go for it...m sure u'l ace it!
Tanmay Mittal
Other Ranks
AIPGDEE rank 61
Karnataka cet 83
MANIPAL rank 88
Comed rank 170
KLE rank 95
Tips For COMEDK MDS Entrance Exam
- Go through the whole paper. Mark the questions which are related to you remotely.
- Exp - Like gall stones.. they can be asked, but don't go in depth
- At least 2-4 questions can be expected from these papers
- Makes a lot of difference for ranks
- Books can be obtained from shops, specially in Paras bangalore or south india
- Only question and answer needs to be done at this moment
- Last 3 -4 years is enough
- Don't read discussion much except the imp which cleared your basics and marked
- Latest things , which are clinically oriented can be asked like genes.. etc
- Revise Dental pulse as much as possible
- Dont forget to do new questions from Gowrishankar Dentest
- Give more time to questions which you always tend to forget.. Hope u have marked
- Read synopsis first now before solving MCQ
- Read explanation of latest questions , New things will be asked from here
- Revise, Revise, Revise
Review of MDS Entrance Books

A book is said to be the best friend which will guide you through the success in the entrance exam..:) .. and just like the other friends which you will have in your life.. some are good.. some are bad.. and some need fine tuning…
But.. one things which everyone needs to understand here .. Commenting about the book is very easy.. but writing one???… ITS NOT EASY.!!! TRY IT ONE DAY
The basic difference between me and others??.. I tried to correct many books.. I sent the correction to the author.. After 3 years too.. I still forward it to the student who need it.. I still try to find such guy who will make such an effort to help others, than just commenting on the efforts of the author. The search goes on ..!!
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
All about Army Dental Corps
Army Dental Corps is a family of dedicated professionals committed to maintaining the dental health of Armed Forces Officers, personnel and their families which in turn contributes to optimum force utilization and enhances operational capability.
The Core Values of the Corps are patient focused & comply with clinical and contemporary governance protocols; value each individual and their contribution; provide directed military & professional development and promote tri-service ethos.
The Corps Ethos have also been imbibed into the Corps Crest which has a laurel wreath enclosing elephant tusks and a lotus flower at the base. The beauty of the crest is highlighted by the noble Ashoka Lions at the top. The right tusk represents wisdom and the left, emotion.
How to join Army Dental Corps
Entry Open For Indian Nationals Only
Direct Permanent Commission
1. Candidate must be BDS (with minimum 60% marks in final year)/ MDS, college recognised by DCI.
2. Should have completed one year rotatory internship, recognised by the Dental Council of India on the date of application.
3. Should be in possession of Permanent Dental Registration Certificate.
4. Candidates with BDS qualification must not have attained 28 years of age on 31 Dec of the year of application. Age limit may be extended upto 30 years in case of candidate with Postgraduate qualification.
5. Should be medically fit in all respects for service in the Defence Forces.
The Core Values of the Corps are patient focused & comply with clinical and contemporary governance protocols; value each individual and their contribution; provide directed military & professional development and promote tri-service ethos.
The Corps Ethos have also been imbibed into the Corps Crest which has a laurel wreath enclosing elephant tusks and a lotus flower at the base. The beauty of the crest is highlighted by the noble Ashoka Lions at the top. The right tusk represents wisdom and the left, emotion.
How to join Army Dental Corps
Entry Open For Indian Nationals Only
Direct Permanent Commission
1. Candidate must be BDS (with minimum 60% marks in final year)/ MDS, college recognised by DCI.
2. Should have completed one year rotatory internship, recognised by the Dental Council of India on the date of application.
3. Should be in possession of Permanent Dental Registration Certificate.
4. Candidates with BDS qualification must not have attained 28 years of age on 31 Dec of the year of application. Age limit may be extended upto 30 years in case of candidate with Postgraduate qualification.
5. Should be medically fit in all respects for service in the Defence Forces.
All about Australian Dental Council MDS Exam
This document has been prepared by the Australian Dental Council (ADC), for the information and guidance of overseas trained dentists who wish to obtain recognition of their qualifications in Australia and become registered to practise dentistry. It is intended as a guide only, and is not legally binding on any of the bodies or agencies listed. The information given is believed to be accurate at the time of publication, however requirements for recognition may vary from time to time.
If you are already in Australia but need a skills assessment to support an application to change your immigration status, you should seek the advice of the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC)
Dentistry in Australia
Australia has a federal system of government, comprising a Federal Government (at the national level) and six State and two Territory governments. From 01 July 2010 (and for Western Australia from 18 October 2010), a new national registration and accreditation scheme for the health professions, including dentistry, commenced operation across Australia, replacing separate legislation covering registration in each State and Territory.
To practise dentistry in Australia you must be registered with the Dental Board of Australia. The steps you need to take to obtain registration in Australia are explained below.
Dentists work in general practice or specialise in one of the following principal fields: Endodontics, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Orthodontics, Paediatric Dentistry, Periodontics and Prosthodontics.
Dentists trained in Australia must meet the entry requirements of one of the Australian institutions offering dental courses, and then complete the required full-time academic training (four or five years) leading to a dental degree. If dentists wish to specialise, they must complete extra study after having had clinical experience.
Success Story of Dr Lakshita Joshi (79th Rank in AIPG)
Sharing with you all how I prepared for the exams…
Sharing with you all how I prepared for the exams…
Each one of us has our own way of studying but yes all those people starting their prep for 2013 it would be good to learn from experiences and then formulate your own method which works for you best, I did that! I read and asked many people that how they prepared and then I took from each of them what would work for me best!
Since I worked for an NGO for a year, I couldn’t get that quality time for my studies. It was a bad idea to work and study both, so I would advise if you are very serious for PG then just devote your time to studies! May 2011 I left that job and then started my preparation seriously!
Since I worked for an NGO for a year, I couldn’t get that quality time for my studies. It was a bad idea to work and study both, so I would advise if you are very serious for PG then just devote your time to studies! May 2011 I left that job and then started my preparation seriously!
First thing what I did was I made a diary and wrote in it what all books and past papers I have to study, made a deadline that this particular thing should be completed by this this date. Among all this the most important thing is daily revision ,because if you fail to revise your all reading is a waste as there are so many things to remember that REVISION becomes prime important!
Another thing what I did was I made my short term and long term goals. That helped me to keep a track of my preparation.
Another thing what I did was I made my short term and long term goals. That helped me to keep a track of my preparation.
May+ June (2 weeks) ----Dental pulse (basic) and Nbde (basic)+ related text
I read pulse and Nbde together as the subjects where same and somehow it helped me to get a better understanding
I read pulse and Nbde together as the subjects where same and somehow it helped me to get a better understanding
Success Story of Dr Gaurav (89th Rank in AIPG)
First of all..all the best to mds aspirants...I hope that this helps you all in deciding your preparation strategy...theres no one method to prepare for exams..take advice from all but follow that which is best for you....
1. Time: I attended my internship for about 6 months...then started prep for this year exams..so had roughly 6 and half mnths in my hand for aipg and 7 and half for mahe and comed...time is not less for those who have just started prep....but time management is very very important...every second counts..utilize this time to its fullest extent...remember..each second you waste ..your competitors get ahead of you..SO DONT GIVE THEM THIS CHANCE!!!
2. Books to be done-Pulse and Dentest
Neeraj wadhwan..(excellent explanations)
Aiims dental papers
Mudit khanna (for aiims and aipg only)-previous 5 years papers
Amit ashish (again for aiims and aipg only) 5yrs
NBDE papers (very imp for aiims, aipg and mahe)
Other entrance papers (can be found in Dental bytes or Dental quest)
Dental explore (for bhu papers)
Prabhakaran- for perio
3. Theory-
First of all..all the best to mds aspirants...I hope that this helps you all in deciding your preparation strategy...theres no one method to prepare for exams..take advice from all but follow that which is best for you....
1. Time: I attended my internship for about 6 months...then started prep for this year exams..so had roughly 6 and half mnths in my hand for aipg and 7 and half for mahe and comed...time is not less for those who have just started prep....but time management is very very important...every second counts..utilize this time to its fullest extent...remember..each second you waste ..your competitors get ahead of you..SO DONT GIVE THEM THIS CHANCE!!!
2. Books to be done-Pulse and Dentest
Neeraj wadhwan..(excellent explanations)
Aiims dental papers
Mudit khanna (for aiims and aipg only)-previous 5 years papers
Amit ashish (again for aiims and aipg only) 5yrs
NBDE papers (very imp for aiims, aipg and mahe)
Other entrance papers (can be found in Dental bytes or Dental quest)
Dental explore (for bhu papers)
Prabhakaran- for perio
3. Theory-
Reading theory part is very important..mere cramming mcqs wont help you...u must understand question, logic behind it and then solve questions...also dont read just anything and everything...thats not possible...read what is relevant...AND FROM GOOD BOOKS .mark new questions from explanations, synopsis and maintain separate diary for values,scientists, years..etc...theyll be helpful to you for last time revisions...and yes I must tell here that my theory part was always strong thoughout my clg life...so i didnt face too many difficulties in reading books and my ntes..:) But yes...if you feel that youre not able to do theory part then its ok...
Monday, March 5, 2012
Kerala MDS Entrance Exam Result
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General Quota Result
Service Quota Result
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General Quota Result
Service Quota Result
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