Sunday, December 18, 2011

Books to study for Australian Dental Council exam?

Local Anaesthesia
Local Anaesthesia in Dentistry Roberts D.H.
& Sowray J.H. (Wright & Sons)

Oral Surgery
Minor Oral Surgery Howe G.L. (Wright & Sons) Extraction of Teeth Howe G.L.
Synopsis of minor Oral Surgery

Oral Radiology, Principles & Interpretation White S.C. & Pharoah M.J. (Mosby)
An Atlas of Dental Radiographic Anatomy Kasle M.L. (Saunders)
Code of Practice for Radiation Protection in Dentistry (2005). Australian Radiation Protection & Nusclear Safety Agency

Pharmaceutics & Clinical Pharmacology in Dentistry Cawson R.A. & Spector R.G. 
Therapeutics (Livingstone)
Pharmacology Ramg H.P. & Ritter (Churchill Livingstone)

General Medicine Principles & Practice of Medicine Davidson S. (Livingstone) Medical Problems in Dentistry Wright, Cawson

Dentistry for Paediatric Dentistry - Total Patient Care

Children Wei S.H.Y (Lea & Febiger)
Handbook of Paediatric Dentistry Cameron A. & Widmer R. (Mosby) 2nd 
Orthodontics A Textbook of Orthodontics Foster T.D.A. (Oxford, Blackwell)
Contemporary Orthodontics Proffit. W. R. (Mosby) 

Periodontics Textbook of Clinical Periodontology Lindhe, J. (Munksgaard)
Fundamentals of Periodontics Wilson T.G. & Kornman K.S. (Quintessance)
Clinical Periodontology Carranza F.A. Jr. & Newman M.G. (Saunders)

Preventive Dentistry Cariology Newbrun E. (Williams & Wilkins)
Textbook of Clinical Cariology Thylstrip A. (Munksgaard)
Mount & Hume Book


Candidates may wish to consult the following books should they need information on multiple choice questions:
Tyldesley, W.R. Diagnostic Picture Tests in Oral Medicine (Wolfe)
Rock, W.P. et al Diagnostic Picture Tests in Paediatric Dentistry (Wolfe)
McMinn, R.M.H. Picture Tests in Human Anatomy (Wolfe, et al)
Cawson, R.A. MCQ in Dentistry (Churchill, Livingstone)

In addition, the following journals are recommended:
Australian Dental Journal
British Dental Journal
Journal of the American Dental Association Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry Operative Dentistry

Textbooks that are in common usage by dental students within Australia are listed below.
Please note that the ADC is unable to provide candidates with these texts or to act on their behalf in their purchase.
- Medically Compromised Patients - Scully, Cawson
- Medically Compromised Patients - Little James

Tooth Conservation The Restoration of Teeth Pitt Ford T.R. (Blackwell)
The Art and Science of Operative Dentistry Sturdevant C.M. et al (McGraw­Hill)
Sturdevant's Art & Science of Operative Dentistry Roberson TM, Heymann
HO, Swift EJ Jr. (Eds) 5th edition (St Louis: Mosby, 2002)

Principles & Practice of Endodontics Walton, R.E. & Torabinejad, M (Saunders)
Essentials of Traumatic Injuries to the TeethAndreasen J.O. & Andreasen F.M. (Munksgaard)

Applied Basic Sichers Oral Anatomy Du Brul E.L. (Mosby & Co.)
Crown & Fundamental of Fixed Prosthodontics Shillingburg, Hobo & Whitsett Bridgework (Quintessence)
John sons Modern Practice in Fixed Prosthodontics Dykene R.W., Goodacre C.J. & Phillips R. S. (Saunders)

Infection Control
Infection Control Guidelines, Department of Health & Ageing: Online available at:

Dental Materials Phillip's Science of Dental Materials
Anusavice KJ. (Saunders 2003) 11th edition Philadelphia
Dental Materials & their Clinical Applications Wilson H., McLean J. & Brown D.
British Dental Assoc. 64 Wimpole St.. London

Removable Denture Prosthodontics
(partial) Grant A.A. & Johnson 1992 (Livingstone)
A Colour Atlas of Removable Partial Dentures
Davenport J.C., Basker R.M., Heath J.R. & Ralph J.P. (Wolfe)
Macraccine Book
Prosthodontics (Full) Prosthodontic Treatment for Edentulous Patients Bouchers (Mosby)
A Colour Atlas of Complete Denture Grant A.

Oral Medicine And Oral Pathology 
A Textbook of Oral Pathology Shafer, Hine & Levy (Livingstone) Clinical Oral Medicine Lewis M.A.D. & Lawrey P.J. (Wright)
Oral Pathology & Oral Medicine - Cawson
Oral Pathology Essentials of Dental Surgery & Pathology Cawson R.A. (Livingstone)
Oral Pathology Soames J.V. & Southam J.C. (Oxford University Press)
This article is for those who are searching for
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